Successful completion of employment tests to include (but not limited to):
The Boone County Sheriff’s Office has established a cooperative pre-employment venture with TalentLynk©. TalentLynk© has developed a series of tasks, based upon real-world input from Communications Officers, that will measure an applicant’s aptitude for a career as a Communications Officer. Each prospective applicant’s progress will be monitored and available to administrators when a hiring process is initiated. It should be noted that the TalentLynk© pre-employment initiative is a requirement of the BCSO Communications Officer hiring process. The link is below:
6. Criticall© computerized testing to measure the ability to multi-task.
What is Criticall©?
The computerized CritiCall pre-employment test used by this agency measures underlying skills and abilities a person needs to possess prior to any training they might receive if they are hired as a public-safety dispatcher and/or calltaker, including the ability to effectively navigate and use a computer. Because of this, a test taker does not need to possess any specialized dispatcher/calltaker knowledge or training to be able to read, understand, or answer the test items
7. Due to the critical interaction with the public that an Emergency Communications Officer will have daily, and the high level of scrutiny given our public service applicants, you will be required to undergo an extensive and sometimes lengthy background check. This background check will be similar to what a law enforcement officer would undergo.
1905 Indianapolis Ave
Lebanon, IN 46052
Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm