Boone County, Indiana Sheriff's Office - Sheriff Mike Nielsen

Inmate Books, Newspapers or Subscriptions




Only paperback books from online bookstores such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble will be accepted.  Books dropped off or mailed by individuals will be returned.


All publishers must be verifiable. We also do not accept CDs, DVDs, or tapes.  No hardcover books are allowed to be sent to an inmate, only paperback books will be accepted. Additionally, books must not contain:


  • staples, metal, or hard plastic bindings;
  • photographs or pictures that display drugs, pornography, gangs, gang tattoos, or hand gestures (signs);
  • food products, cosmetic items, board games, personal clothing, etc.;
  • stationery, note pads, envelopes, stamps, pens, pencils, etc.  (These items may be purchased through the Commissary.);
  • any material that appears to be obscene or tends to incite murder, arson, riot, racism, or otherwise compromises the security of the facility; and
  • any items not listed that may compromise the security of the facility.
  • Inmates are not allowed to possess more than five (5) books at any given time.
  • All unacceptable or improperly addressed inmate mail will be returned to the sender. The inmate must bear the costs of returning all items considered to be contraband or non-allowable items.




Newspapers must be mailed from the publisher via the US Postal service.  Newspapers are not to be delivered by a carrier.




We do not all any magazines or any type of subscription.


Timothy Turner


1905 Indianapolis Ave

Lebanon, IN 46052

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

8am - 4pm

Staff Directory