Boone County, Indiana Sheriff's Office - Sheriff Mike Nielsen

The accompanying BCSO financial table lists important program milestones, with dates and what division manager will be accountable. Estimated budgets are also the responsibility of the division manage. The milestone schedule indicates our emphasis on planning for implementation.

What the table doesn't show is the commitment behind it. Our business plan includes complete provisions for plan-vs.-actual analysis, and we will be holding follow-up meetings every month to discuss the variance and any corrections or adjustments needed.


1. Hire 8 more merit deputies in 2017. (One left to hire – Six headed to the academy June 26th)

2. Hire 10 more corrections officers (jailers) in 2017. (All ten hired and completed basic two week training class)

3. Hire 1 communications administrator in the 911 dispatch center in 2017. (Filled internally and will assume these job responsibilities in October)

4. Hire 3 more courthouse deputies in 2017. (Completed and implemented)

5. Hire 1 more crime scene investigator in 2017. (Filled internally and will assume these responsibilities in October)

6. Hire 1 crime analyst in 2017. (Filled internally and will assume these responsibilities in October)

7. Increase drug abuse and mental health treatment options within the jail. (Started 24 hours of Institutional Mental Health 4/1 – 24 hours of Community Mental Health starts 7/1)

8. Include in-car cameras and body cameras in the Information Technology budget. (Vendor chosen out of four qualified vendors. Implementation of Body and In-Car  Cameras 8/1)

9. Provide the equipment needed for enhanced Courthouse security. (All implemented except X-Ray. X-Ray machine will be installed by 7/1)

10. 2017 Budget Planning and Business Model PROJECT NEEDS for 2017


  • Remodel basement area for the Criminal Investigations Division, Analyst and Crime Scene Investigator  (Selecting Vendor)
  • See attachment on drawing of layout
  • Estimated Cost - $50,000.00
  • K-9 Expansion of Two (Additional K-9 and Handlers will be chosen by 9/1)
  • Purchase new K-9
  • Goal of 1 per shift
  • Approximate Cost - $40,000.00
  • Fenced in area for evidence behind the barn (Completed by 8/1)
  • Approximate cost - $15,000
  • Allow vehicles from fatal crashes or evidence to be secured in this area
  • Camera was installed last year
  • Criminal Interdiction Team (Working on SOG’s and with other department heads – Goal to have implemented by 12/31)
  • Equipment - $10,000
  • Training included for Desert Snow
  • Remodel back server room from the old server room  (Completed – Need to move last switches to new IT room)
  • Estimated $3000.00
  • IT will be moving all of our servers to a dedicated server room
  • Misc. IT Related Items –
  • Estimated $15,000.00

Mike Nielsen


1905 Indianapolis Ave

Lebanon, IN 46052


Office Hours

Monday - Friday

8am - 4pm